Why New Zealand?

New Zealand is a country situated in the centre of the water hemisphere. Being an island, it has beautiful landscapes with British and Polynesian influence. It is a developed country and is highly ranked in various aspects, including quality of life, and work-life balance. New Zealanders have a welcoming nature with warm hospitality, whenever they meet new people. It offers free education to children for domestic education and subsidized education at a later stage, with many upcoming competitive fields and influential curricula to choose from. New Zealand provides one with great job opportunities, prospects, and work-life balance. According to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) updated global survey, New Zealand is seen as the fastest-rising economy; with additional benefits and organized public services. The New Zealanders say that they know very well what it’s like arriving from a new arena. Spectacular beaches, sightseeing landscapes and rainforests attract many nature lovers; it is a mixture of natural beauty and modern touch, giving a perfect lifestyle for an immigrant with many new places to explore.

The culture of New Zealand is reformed by a unique mix of Maori community and European culture. New Zealand has imbibed diversity with a combined touch of influences that come from around the world, especially the Pacific. It is indeed famous and thus forms an epicentre for Maori food and rich traditions. Providing broader and more compelling views for immigrants to reside in New Zealand.

It has temperate weather where one can enjoy the sunshine and various outdoor family activities. Thus, it makes New Zealand a great place to migrate and live.

Cosmos supports you in providing end-to-end services from determining the country of your choice, to submitting your applications, thus making your travel successful. We aid in complying with the requirements, and understanding the migration law in specific countries or regions.

Visa Categories

Migration Visa

The Skilled Migrant Category gives most of the rights including the ability to enter and leave the country, To work for any employer, and Full access to health care benefits and educational subsidies.

Investor Visa

Cosmos have a dedicated team working with external legal partners for Investment programs and Business Start-Ups in New Zealand.

Student Visa

A Future Unlimited: A New Zealand education equips people with the knowledge, skills and networks that will last a lifetime and gives every student who studies with us the foundation they need for a Future Unlimited.

Working Visa

Requirements for working temporarily in New Zealand There are several requirements that you will need to meet to get a temporary work visa. In this section you can find out whether you need a work visa, whether you'll qualify, and what a temporary work visa will allow you to do.

Visit Visa

You might come to New Zealand for reasons such as holidays, sightseeing, social or recreational reasons, to visit relatives, and friends, to be a business visitor or for other short-term non-work things like medical treatment or medical consultations.

Working holiday Visa

This visa permits young and talented people to work for a tenure of 12 months on a non-permanent basis. It can be availed by people aged 18-30 years and majorly for 35 years for a few country citizens.

One should have enough funds to support the cost of living and employer contact for one year. If one is a citizen of the UK or Canada this visa scheme is available for 24 months. The process of application usually takes 30 days.

One has to be a citizen of a country which has a working holiday agreement with New Zealand.

Study Visa

You require a study visa if your study duration is more than 3 years. The applicant first needs to prioritize the field of interest and university, based on the language proficiency, grades, skills, etc., and a student can be admitted to a particular university.

If the applicants are above 17, they should have an acceptance letter from the University for a Respective Degree course and enough proof of available funds which will help them to manage the cost of living in New Zealand. They are required to give proof of clean criminal records and health check-ups or medical examinations to ensure safety.

Dependent child student visa:

This visa is given to children whose parents have an opportunity to work or study in New Zealand. They are considered dependent children for free domestic education and can live till 19 years of age on a parent’s visa. They are exempted from paying the tuition fees till secondary education. When they reach tertiary education, the visa category changes to a fee-paying student visa. If the stay is longer then one has to get tested for tuberculosis.

The children who can avail of the benefit of dependent child student visas are usually those whose parents are pursuing a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) or whose funding is available through sponsorships in New Zealand. This country gives ample opportunities to students to earn while studying and apply for a post-study visa. The staying to work visa after study offers one to stay and seek a job, meanwhile if any great opportunity knocks in one can abide by the terms of the employer and remain confined to the job.

For a study visa

Business Visa

This category of visa allows business people and creative investors in New Zealand. This visa is further utilized for special work residence or permanent visa. This helps an entrepreneur to invest in and check the possibilities of business and explore the work to apply for a permanent visa. This visa is granted for people who have been in successful business for 6 months or 24 months. New Zealand allows applicants to attract business and thus, enhance economic growth. If the applicant meets all the criteria and the business is well-settled, New Zealand welcomes you permanently

Permanent resident visa

You can be a permanent resident of New Zealand, once lived for 2 years. This visa is granted to people who have a willingness to live in New Zealand and are freely allowed to live and work without any impediments. One can travel out of the country without any restrictions. The length of stay is indefinite. Once you have the visa, your family members automatically have the privilege of a permanent resident visa and access to other facilities provided by the country.

Benefits of Migrating to New Zealand

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Who Requires a Visa for New Zealand?

Anybody who wants to travel to New Zealand for various purposes like tourism, study, work etc. requires a Visa. Few countries are an exception for tourist visas as they have a visa waiver agreement with New Zealand. The residents from the Waiver country are required to contact the (ETA) Electronic Travel Authority before the visit.

What documents are required for a study Visa?

What are the necessary means of Accommodation while studying in New Zealand?

Accommodating in New Zealand requires a good amount of finance and you need to look for a place in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch etc., all the places are equipped with good transport. So living in this country might not be a problem, the new houses are furnished with built fireplaces which is an additional benefit.

What are the means of Travel and Transport?

New Zealand has a good network of transport facilities:

With buses having passenger transport for covering shorter distances in cities and major other tourist buses, Trains cover a longer route connecting some important points with the city, ferries operate within a network of Wellington on the North Island and Picton on the South Island. Cruises are generally used for a commute to Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific, if one wants to avail of the option just book before the trip which will make it less costly and easily available and you will be least burdened at the last moment.

You can also drive in New Zealand if you carry an authorized license for the type of vehicle from your home country, ensure to know the rules of driving in NZ before you hit the roads for driving.

How one can work and study in New Zealand?

For a student above 17 years of age, it is easy and permissible to work for 20 hours per week. The Universities provide support for working options, various information is available on various job portals. You need to make a CV which solves the purpose and mentions all the skills which makes it an easy task for securing good work support.

Who can be granted a permanent residence permit?

Permanent residence can be granted to people who have completed employment for more than years and are willing to stay in New Zealand, one has to have a valid passport, employment support from the employer, clean health and character records. Permanent residence is also granted to business visa holders and entrepreneurs

List of top Universities in New Zealand:

How is the weather in New Zealand?

The country has a temperate climate with sunshine and moderate rains. The country is situated near the coast, thus the temperature is mild and decreases as one travels in the southern part. January and February are the warmest month with July being the coldest. Thus one can enjoy the weather and go for many outdoor activities like hiking, trekking, camping, bungee jumping etc.

What is the best time to travel to New Zealand?

The best time to visit New Zealand is October to April

If one prefers nature with a temperate climate, robust career opportunities with great culture, New Zealand is a perfect place for you. The New Zealand PR provides you with eminent facilities and a balanced work life. It is an extremely multicultural and welcoming country due to various authenticities yet no problem in communication as the basic language is English. Thus, NZ is the best destination because of the high standards yet simple system of education with healthcare benefits provided.

Cosmos services include Skilled Migration, Business Migration and study abroad programmes, we provide end-to-end services from determining the country of your choice, submitting your applications, complying with the requirements, understanding the migration law for a country or region; dos and don’ts before you arrive in the country of destination and once you arrive as an immigrant.

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